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What every student should consider before choosing a good research topic


The ability to develop an honest research topic is a crucial skill. An instructor may assign you a selected topic, but most frequently instructors require you to pick your own topic of interest. When choosing a subject, there are a couple of things that you simply will got to do:

  1. brainstorm for ideas
  2. choose a subject which will enable you to read and understand the literature
  3. ensure that the subject is manageable which material is out there
  4. make a list of key words
  5. be flexible
  6. define your topic as a focused research question
  7. research and read more about your topic
  8. formulate a thesis statement

Be aware that selecting an honest topic might not be easy. It must be narrow and focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to seek out adequate information. Before selecting your topic, confirm you recognize what your final project should appear as if. Each class or instructor will likely require a special format or sort of scientific research .
Use the steps below to guide you thru the method of choosing a search topic.

Step 1: Brainstorm for ideas
Choose a Research topic that interests you.

Step 2: Read General Background Information
Base on the 3 topics you have selected, read 1-2 articles on each to enable you have an overview of the topic. While reading these articles, pay attention to the key words you see at the end of the abstract.

Step 3: Focus on Your Topic
Keep it manageable
A topic are going to be very difficult to research if it’s too broad or narrow. One way to narrow a broad topic like “the environment” is to limit your topic. Some common ways to limit a topic are:

by geographical area

Example: What environmental issues are most important in the Northern Region of Cameroon?

by time frame:
Example: What are the foremost prominent environmental problems with the last 10 years?

by population group
Example: What are the consequences of pollution on senior citizens?
Remember that a subject could also be too difficult to research if it’s too:
recent (books or journals are not available yet online)
Broadly interdisciplinary too broad.

Step 4: Make a List of Useful Keywords
Keep track of the words that are wont to describe your topic.

Step 5: Be Flexible
It is common to switch your topic during the research process. You can never make certain of what you’ll find. You may find an excessive amount of and wish to narrow your focus, or insufficient and wish to broaden your focus. This is a traditional a part of the research process. When researching, you’ll not wish to vary your topic, but you’ll decide that another aspect of the subject is more interesting or manageable.

Step 6: Define Your Topic as a Focused Research Question
You will often begin with a word, develop a more focused interest in a facet of something concerning that word, then begin to possess questions on the subject.

Step 7: Research and skim More About Your Topic
Use the key words you’ve got gathered to research within the catalog, article databases, and Internet search engines. Find more information to assist you answer your research question. You will got to do some research and reading before you decide on your final topic. Can you find enough information to answer your research question? Remember, selecting a subject is a crucial and sophisticated a part of the research process.


Step 8: Formulate a Thesis Statement
Write your topic as a thesis statement. This may be the solution to your research question and/or how to obviously state the aim of your research. Your thesis statement will usually be one or two sentences that states precisely what’s to be answered, proven, or what you’ll inform your audience about your topic. The development of a thesis assumes there’s sufficient evidence to support the thesis statement.


Final Remark

We come to an end of what to consider before choosing your final research/project topic

If you have any questions or suggestions, drop on the comment section below. If you are still facing difficulties choosing a great research topic, contact our support staffs on the chatbox of our website www.project-house.net
