List of Machine Learning Scopus Journals: In this blog post (Machine Learning Scopus Journals), we are providing the list of Scopus indexed journals that publish machine learning-related research. The list covers Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Data Mining, and Deep Learning research.
Note: Machine Learning is a competitive field. So it is advised to send good research to the Machine learning journals indexed in Scopus.
List of Machine Learning Scopus Journals
Get free access to the list of ML Scopus indexed journals. Click on the journal-title to get more details of an individual journal.
Machine Learning journals published by Springer Nature
Neural Computing and Applications
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.713.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Machine Learning is 2.94.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.667.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Neural Processing Letters is 2.908.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.463.
Multimedia Tools and Applications
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Multimedia Tools and Applications is 2.757.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.443.
Progress in Artificial Intelligence
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, ESCI.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.322.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Cognitive Computation is 5.418.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.86.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Applied Intelligence is 5.086.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.791.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Journal of Supercomputing is 2.474.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.445.
Artificial Intelligence Review
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Artificial Intelligence Review is 8.139.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.195.
Pattern Analysis and Applications
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Pattern Analysis and Applications is 2.58.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.378.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, ESCI, DOAJ.
- It is an open access journal.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.031.
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics
The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, ESCI. The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.534.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing is 3.006.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.416.
The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE. The impact factor of Software and Systems Modeling is 1.91. The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.421.
Machine Learning journals published by Elsevier
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.733.
The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SSCI. The impact factor of Telematics and Informatics is 6.182. The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.567.
Computer Standards and Interfaces
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.556.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.924.
Advances in Engineering Software
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Advances in Engineering Software is 4.141.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.136.
Environmental Modelling and Software
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.828.
Science of Computer Programming
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Science of Computer Programming is 0.863.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.313.
Journal of Systems and Software
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Journal of Systems and Software is 2.829.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.642.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Decision Support Systems is 5.795.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.564.
- The journal is indexed in UGC, Scopus, SCIE.
- The impact factor of Computers in Industry is 7.635.
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.432.
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