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List of Scopus journals in Decision Sciences


List of Scopus journals in Decision Sciences

List of Scopus journals in Decision Sciences

40 Scopus Journals found for (Decision Sciences)
Journal Title Publisher E-ISSN
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education Wiley-Blackwell 15404609
Advances in Decision Sciences Asia University 20903367
Group Decision and Negotiation Springer Nature 15729907
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Wiley-Blackwell 10990771
Theory and Decision Springer Nature 15737187
International Journal of Management and Decision Making Inderscience Publishers 17415187
Group Decision and Negotiation Springer Nature 15729907
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Wiley-Blackwell 10990771
Theory and Decision Springer Nature 15737187
International Journal of Management and Decision Making Inderscience Publishers 17415187
Judgment and Decision Making Society for Judgment and Decision Making
Decision Analysis Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 15458504
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Wiley-Blackwell 10991360
Decision Science Letters Growing Science 19295812
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Springer Nature 21984190
EURO Journal on Decision Processes Elsevier 21939446
Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics 15873803
Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics 15873803
Structural Equation Modeling Taylor & Francis 15328007
Group Decision and Negotiation Springer Nature 15729907
International Journal of Management Reviews Wiley-Blackwell 14682370
International Journal of Operations and Production Management Emerald 17586593
Ecological Indicators Elsevier
Journal of Organizational Change Management Emerald
Journal of Sport Management Human Kinetics Publishers Inc. 1543270X
MIT Sloan Management Review Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Management Learning SAGE 14617307
Decision Sciences Wiley-Blackwell 15405915
Decision Sciences Wiley-Blackwell 15405915
Decision Sciences Wiley-Blackwell 15405915
Decision Sciences Wiley-Blackwell 15405915
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan Operations Research Society of Japan
Organizational Research Methods SAGE 15527425
Annals of Operations Research Springer Nature 15729338
Vikalpa SAGE 23953799
Theory and Decision Springer Nature 15737187
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings Association for Computing Machinery
Journal of Enterprise Information Management Emerald
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Springer Nature
Journal of Futures Studies Tamkang University

List of Scopus journals in Decision Sciences
